“If we are going to have a new connection to the environment it will have to happen in individual hearts and souls... the artist can help us fall in love with the earth again” -   Paulus Berensohn

The first time I read this quote I had a profound understanding of what I wanted to achieve with my art. I knew that if I was going to inspire others to understand the importance of our Earth, I would have to dive deeper into the depths of my own self. My work has become an illustrated journey of a figure reconnecting with the energetic body, Earth, and universal energy. It is through exploring my own experiences of remembering how deeply rooted we are with nature and everything within the universe, that I am able to connect people to my creations.

Through painting and digital illustrations, I explain concepts and experiences that have helped me feel this connection. I often include elements of nature such as pressed flowers into the work and sometimes I choose to create little animations that guide people through an experience. I share my art with the hope to inspire others and remind them of our deep bond to the Earth, each other, and collective energy.