Realign with Compassion

A collection exploring the question How does it look like to treat yourself with compassion instead of punishment?

Hold Yourself with Compassion

What would it feel like to hold yourself with compassion instead of punishment?

As humans,we are going to make mistakes, be unsure of our next steps, feel differently, grow differently…

the possibilities are endless.

So if something doesn’t go the way your mind said “it’s suppose” to be -

try holding yourself with compassion.

In Touch with Your Heart

“The invitation is not to show how inventive and imaginative you are,

But how much you can notice what you’re already part of

And appreciate it, and share it and care about those that are around

Look out for their welfare while you’re looking out for your own,

that’s it”

Burgs by @mtwolfofficial

See Yourself As A Flower

Can you see yourself as nature?

It can be difficult to remember, to feel that at our core we are just another part of nature.

And nature is slow, patient, seasonal, goes at its own pace.

No flower or plant grows at the same time, the same season, the same way. And we do not yell, punish or even really complain about it.

We accept it. This is how that flower grows, how the tree blossoms…

Can you extend that way of thinking to yourself? To other humans?.

Thoughts of Compassion

Can you replace that harsh voice with something gentle & loving as a flower?

Our mind runs wild if we let it. Endless fields of thoughts that never stop.

But imagine, pausing -

witnessing the field and selecting one part of it, just on

that feels, even slightly less overwhelming

Can you plant the thoughts, that make you smile, that feel a little calmer, a little sweeter?

And just focus on those for a moment?

Who is the most compassionate being that can hold you when you can’t hold yourself?

Sometimes what we feel is too much for our bodies, our minds

To verbalise or share it with you anyone else, let alone yourself can be hard…

Turn to the Earth

You don’t need words or thoughts

You don’t need to understand it

Just sit, be
& the Earth will hold you.

What does compassion feel like for you?

For me it’s become taking moments &
seeing them as flowers

It’s taking the time gently to,
like placing flowers in a garden,
planting them within myself

With care, with love
Without expectations

Simply to honour that flower and what it can teach & offer your garden


I couldn’t fully related to the dictionary definition. It felt too limited. So I broke it down.

We have the word passion, a strong feeling or emotion towards something

Combine it with, com a root word, meaning “together” “with”

So to me, the words feels like together with a strong feeling or emotion.

We are all dealing with something. Collectively, individually, all beings not only humans.

Can we come together, gently and hold each other’s strong emotions and understand that it does not take away from our own?

How much compassion can you offer?

When you honour compassion, it pours out of you.

It will grow, bloom in various ways

To the point that you can share it

Let it bloom like wildflowers during spring

Welcoming a new season,
welcoming a new way of being.

Original Artwork & Prints Available

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