Reawakening the Light

A collection of reminders, that even when we feel consumed by the darkness, the light is always present. It does not disappear just because we do not see it or feel it anymore. The Earth shows us daily we are in constant exchange between the dark and the light. Both continuously present, we are always moving between them. The collection is a series of experiences to remember that no matter how you feel, the Light always exists within you and sometimes it just needs reawakening.


You are Light

A 7 minute meditation to gently guide you to reawakening the light within you. Allow yourself to be guided into a state of calm and love.

Animation: Adrian de la Fuenta

Voice Over: Javiera Skrynnik

Collection Exhibited at LAP Cafe, Madrid, Spain

Collection Exhibited at LAP Cafe, Madrid, Spain.

Original Artwork & Prints Available

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