Reclaiming the Witch

For years “witch” has been associated with something scary or unnatural. We all know the common tales and I am sure you have a picture in your mind now. But what is the true energy behind the witch archetype?

Today there is a rise, a reclaiming of this word.

It is a reclaiming of a path, that exists in harmony with Nature, with Creation.

Rather than a liner path, imagine a circle.

It encompass the cycles of nature, the elements, our relationship to the plants, the moon, the sun.

It is trusting the instinctual inner wisdom that lives in all nature, our nature.

It reaches in all directions, seen and unseen, at all points of time. 

A path, reclaiming the fullness of who we are. 

This collection was created with this energy. 

Each piece can be admired individually, just like all aspects of Creation, 

but when put together you can see that they are part of this collective mysterious dance. 

Original Artwork & Prints Available

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