But I’d rather be broken than empty. Oh I’d rather be shattered than hollow - First Aid Kit
Trapped in the Mind
Pulling Weeds
Too afraid to see, to accept the beyond / 03
By honour my body, I am honouring nature.
How beautiful it is,
to have reflections of you,
inside of me
- words of another
I thank the Ones,
that love me & let me know.
I thank the Ones,
that hold up the mirror & let me see my inner show…
until nothing is left,
but the echos of your energy
I’m taking care of each & every part
I opened up your legs & go straight for your heart.
Mac Miller, The Divine Feminine
Heart to Earth,
I reconnect.
Be gentle, men
Welcome the gentle energy. Let it enter you.
Let it fill you up, until you explode and release,
what you thought it was to be a man,
I greet you with Love.
For at the core, that is what I am,
That is what we are.
You’re not here.
Yet I can feel your body
moving towards mine.
The coolness of your breath on my neck.
The warmth of your lips on my skin.
welcoming your energy into my body,
moving through me,
until the physical becomes unreal.
And all there is light,
pulsing through my vines.
I cry out to release
You are here with me
I feel you here with me
I drift into a new space.
Get out of the Mind
You are par of a cosmic ocean, a river that moves through life to experience all that is. Destined to return. Let yourself be carried by the waters. Let yourself be moved. Feel it deep in you, around you. You are part of a cosmic ocean.
Waiting & Receiving
You are supported by Nature
Between Perspectives
We crossed paths, heading different directions,
hoping one day we would collide.
I Forgive Myself
to Trust, to Soul
to Earth, to Spirit, to Love
Your energy ripples into the Universe. Spend time with it, feel it
Over grown with thoughts…
Pt 2 - You want to take me higher, I know you can - Tash Sultana, Higher
Tree Helpers
Different Orbits
Connected Energy
I recall your soul has a taste like gardens, flowers, warm winds -SZA
Let go
I must be dreaming
Tree Spirit
Hold yourself as you move through fear, work with it to alchemise it into wisdom.
It feels heavy. Suffocating. Alone /01
Yet a simple reach… / 04
Your hands,
how they touch my energy
feel my soul
ease my mind
make me forget time.
I take your hand willingly
to the side of silence and pleasure.
Pure bliss.
I hold your hands on my body,
close to my chest.
Hold me,
a little while longer.
Let me rest here,
just a little while
Collective Healing
I thank the Ones,
that opened my mind to places I never imagined it could go...
I thank the Ones
that sit with me & watch the river flow…
Close your eyes.
Trust, a higher power
is guiding you
Entangled in your embrace,
I visit a place of the Soul,
free from time,
bound by a force
of Divine presence.
Even with all your walls,
She will find you.
For you can’t hide,
from something that lives within
Dear men,
sweet sweet men,
I share myself with the desire
to tease out The Divine Feminine within you.
For you to embrace
the gentleness of your soul,
the warmth of your heart.
For you to feel,
the Divine energy that vibrates through you too.
That Divine energy, a forgotten part.
I hold you
to hold space.
For you to welcome
the wisdom,
the subtle power.
Oh sweet men
please, please remember
the Love of the Divine Feminine.
Deeply rooted, to the Earth, to the Heart.
The Divine Feminine is a part of you.
Great Women,
I will share the Love with you.
I will break my fears and raise my voice.
As shaky as it is, as much as they laugh.
Their blind actions, they do not realise the pain it causes.
Quiet for too long. They need to hear. They need to feel.
So our daughters. And our sons. Can be in balance.
Can live as One.
A closer look at Self
& I feel some sort of connection
Thank You, for feeding our bodies & souls
We are connected by a force from above & below
Child of the Earth, have you forgotten? You are Her and She is You. They are You and You are Them. All the same expressions of Her. Listen - Do you hear Her calling?
Sometimes opposites attract
for you to open, for you to grow
Give love & open to being loved.
Both exist to create flow, balance.
She cares for us, we must care for Her
See yourself through the eye of the Creator
Feel beyond the physical.
The subtle. The unseen.
Exists, all around us. Expand into it
Do you realise it is a part of you? Angel of the Sun
Centre Yourself, open the flower in your Heart
Walk with Nature & let Her heal you
Phases of the Heart
Sometimes people feel like doors to new worlds...
Or are they doors to a new version of Self?
Helping the Garden Grow
Journey into Self
Something good will come from this
What I want is to be nature again
Honouring the height & the depths
The seed, the flower…
Unaware of what is around, outside of the mind. /02
And the Light, will hold you. Effortlessly. /05
I am the mother, you are the mother, we are the mother.
the seed that was always there,
but inexplicably needed you
to sprout
- words of another
Take the time, understand your body. How it wants to, needs to desires to, feel loved, Take the time, be with yourself, It’s okay.
I thank the Ones,
that created me & give me the space to grow...
& you held onto my insecurities,
Because it kept me close.
But didn’t you know?
To love someone,
is to let them grow & sometimes, that means
letting them go
Through centres in the body,
we can travel to unseen worlds,
feel new places, reconnect,
experience pure energy
Make love to the heart
Ask me where I am from
And I will tell you I rose from the Earth
pushed out of the dark centre of Her being
gently pulled by a force into the light
to breathe.
Let it come from your Heart
& grow your Mind
You are shy, I know.
This energy feels new, But embrace it.
It has always been a part of you
What more?
The Soul is Love.
A Spiritual Exchange
Walk into the Unknown
Return to Self
You are the trees, do you feel it?
See higher, feel deeper
Its all Love
Gathering, from the Earth to the Soul
Embrace Divine Love
Your body talks to you. Listen to it. Sometimes it knows the answer even before your mind does.
Who I am at the moment is a little unclear. There are versions of Self that I am still discovering. But I know there is something that is constant, grounding and ever present.
Don’t continue what hurst you. There is a point to forgive and release. You deserve to heal. Make space. Expand.
Pt 1 - I’m going down on your lies, I’m lost. I had my eyes wide shit. Never thought I’d feel this way again. But heads so fucking confused and my heart so fucking abused and I think I’m going to loose. I’m in trouble now. - Tash Sultana, Higher
Lesson of the Willow
You make me melt
How can I fuck your mind?!
I can feel your soul in my soul - IAMDDB
Rooted to the Earth
You are a part of nature
just as nature is a part of you